Bespoke coaching programmes of 6-8 hour-long sessions.
Small-group sessions that focus on the wellbeing of academic staff and students.
As a coach, my aim is to help you take effective action toward outcomes you find meaningful and fulfilling.
One-to-one coaching
6-8 hour-long sessions
Takes a holistic approach to your life, work and overall direction
Bespoke coaching programme
This programme begins by discussing what areas you’d like to work on and what changes you’d like to see by the end of our time together. We’ll then have a series of conversations in which we explore these in more detail and consider what kinds of action will start you moving in the direction you desire. In our final session we’ll look at ways you can build on the changes, insights, and outcomes you’ve experienced as part of the coaching process. By the end of the programme, you will have gained a clear sense of who you are and what matters to you at this stage of your life and career. You’ll have considered the things that stop you from creating the life you want and you’ll have begun taking effective and meaningful actions that move you closer to it.
One-off, 90-minute session
Focusing on a specific question, challenge, or situation you’re facing
One-off session
I also offer one-off, 90-minute sessions. For these, we focus on a specific question, challenge, or situation you’re facing. We discuss why it’s important to you and consider what sort of outcome you would like to see from exploring it. By the end of the session, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the situation and how it relates to your life, identity, and priorities. You’ll leave the session with a clear plan of action, allowing you to address the situation in ways that are authentic and meaningful to you.
Group Coaching
With fellow coach and artist Alex McIntyre, I run Human Belonging: Group Coaching Programmes for Academic Wellbeing. We offer small-group sessions that focus on the wellbeing of academic staff and students. These include:
Compassionate Listening: Coaching Skills for Personal Tutors
2-hour, half-day, and full-day formats
Supports staff and student wellbeing
This workshop trains academic staff in key coaching skills to enrich student pastoral care. Through practical and interactive exercises, we explore the power of empathy and silence as a means of acknowledging difficult experiences, while suggesting practical ways Personal Tutors can support those who come to them for help. This programme gives staff the confidence to support students in ways that are authentic to them, enhancing the wellbeing and satisfaction of staff and students alike. It can be delivered in 2-hour, half-day, and full-day formats, both online and in person.
Connect + Thrive: A Group Coaching Programme for Academic Wellbeing
6-week online programme
Invites participants to reflect on their strengths, values, and needs to increase personal and professional impact.
This 6-week online programme invites participants to reflect on their strengths, values, and needs to increase personal and professional impact. Our sessions draw on positive psychology and coaching methodologies to explore six key themes: Connection, Personal Values, Your Unique Strengths, Emotional Needs, Resilience + Flexibility, Visions for the Future. The programme can be delivered for groups of up to 12 staff or students.